This page contains events at both the State and District level.
CASSAR 2016 Annual Meeting Report
Dates: April 15 – 16, 2016. The SAR California Society 141st Annual Meeting was held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Sacramento on April 15th – 16th. Three San Diego Chapter members were able to attend the meeting. Several National Officers were in attendance, including President General Tom Lawrence and former President General Joseph Dooley; Vice President General-Western District John Dodd; Treasurer General Larry Guzy; and Inspector General Warren Alter. Nine Past Presidents of the California Society also attended the meeting.
The Friday morning Business Meeting was followed by the Public Services Awards Luncheon. SAR Law Enforcement, Fire Safety and Emergency Medical Services medals were award. The luncheon ended with a Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War presentation of pins to the Vietnam Veterans and their spouses. During the afternoon session of the Business Meeting, the ladies had a choice of touring the Stanford Mansion or shopping in Old Sacramento.
Friday morning included the final session of the CASSAR Business Meeting, a meeting of the Board of Managers, and a Western District meeting. At the Youth Awards Luncheon various members presented awards to the winners of the Enhanced JROTC Program, Eagle Scout Program, Knight Essay Contest, Elementary School Poster Contest, and Middle School Brochure Contest. A Memorial Service for deceased members was conducted on Saturday afternoon.
President General Thomas Lawrence was the guest speaker at the Gala Inaugural Banquet on Saturday Evening. President Kent Gregory presented the Distinguished Service Medal, Patriot Medal and Daughters of Liberty, and Color Guard Commander Jim Fosdyck presented Color Guard Awards. Of particular interest to the San Diego Chapter was the “Most Active Color Guardsman for 2015” presented to San Diego Color Guard Vice-Commander Ernest McCullough. During 2015, Ernest participated in 24 color guard activities.
Click here to see the complete agenda and information associated with the program.